My House Of Sound and Fog

My New year always begins with me knee-deep in men’s sweaters…

Frank’s birthday sweater! (January 16th!)  “Gothom” (MY version of it)

Soon after that I found myself in DEEP with a different knitting technique…

“Aspen Leaf”

I sure found myself in a few “Oh Oh” moments while  vacationing! -Insert picture of  broken pesto jar here! : )  (NOT!) All while knitting that scarf… I so wanted to be pretty in Pink… Opps! I mean RED! (Pink is coming!)

RED Path to Wonderland…

Frank wants a TWEED wonder and won’t leave me be. He pays for 50 % of the mega expensive cashmere…. But it takes a while to get here. So in the meantime:

Oh My. Pink is ON the menu. (I’m getting a Granddaughter!)

“Cat’s CAN be pink” The main sweater I’ve waited many years to knit!

“Sheelin Lough” So expensive; It’s for Sundays only! Easter being a good start. Eh?

“Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly”

Oh Joy…more pretty baby things! This whole ensemble started out as charity baby knitting inspired by a CAT  onesie. (?) However it morphed into someit completely different when a swan swam in from Amazon! I was having WAY to much fun! This became a “Coming Home”  ensemble to Welcome: “Emmalina Isobella”

“Garden Variety Tweed”

Ok. I still have some Charity baby knitting in me! But brewing  and stewing is a hen house of chickens left unattended! (this began when a hand-paint speckle came in the mail which happened to be tittled: “Fox in the henhouse”

“Fox in the Hen House” Hand-paint speckle

This yarn undid me ! It got IN my brain and I had brain pain insane!

The lovely shawl of rescued chickens…

“Fox In The Hen House” (blocking)

I had  quite a bit o’ stress in my life during the Covid -19 quarentine. Eh? Yarns that went missing in the post and some that did come, turned out NOT  to be the right hue. I also broke my arm. (?) NOTHING stops me from knitting. I  braced up the  arm and dove head on into  a cotton/merino blend of yarn which I knit fiendishly as I just LOVE the feel of this yarn. (Cascade Anchor Bay) It is so lovely to touch and KNIT  that I knit  a hoodie in a week. (a record?) ?  : )))

“Anchor Bay Hoodie”

Up to date with my knitting show & tell Now. Yet.. Still in CAT  mode! I have yet another baby  ensemble to come that I am working on: The Cat’s Meow”  (OMG! It’s got a KNIT cat in it!) I’ll get that up here too, soon! But I’ll leave you with this:

The well traveled COVID-19 wonder yarn! MIA for 2 full months!

WHAT was I planning to make with this anyways??? haahah all ideas welcome. : )

About 7veravera

In love with: Jeeps, tweed, knitting and the color red. Currently convalessing from a serious traffic accident which left me with a paralysed right foot. (the DRIVING foot) Oiy. I have a live horse and a hand knitted dog. We live in the Surrey B.C. area. I'm renovating my house and find a new crisis to conquer every day. Currently the new front door I bought is too big for the stair case leading up to it. That's is ME to a T.
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