Here Kitty Kitty

Yes a few photo’s of the cute kitty baby set is coming…but first:

Cedrick’s after-noon in the back yard! yah his first outing in a whole week. I kept him inside alllll week! He  agrees to model a shawl I just blocked. (he never said he’d smile. Dang it!)

This is WHY I kept him inside all week! This wound is looking sooo much better now. (you should have seen it last week)  Oiy! Cat fight!

Ok…here’s the shawl  blocking. You can see how BIG it is.  (it’s a gift)

I’ve never knit a shawl so big it needed 2 complete blocking boards!

I can’t NOT show the half way point of the border! There is MORE yarn in that border than the whole shawl!…

Ok ok…the main event is upon us…*drum roll*   “Here Kitty Kitty” is done. Oh I enjoyed knitting this! does it show?

Hung out for all to see

Close up of the coat of many colors girl style!

I’m in love with the thick comfy blanket

Little Belle

: ) I never tire of this angle…


After all is said and done; the possible recipient of  the kitty ensemble has been informed she is carrying a BOY!!  hahahahaha I get to keep my kitty after-all…. but wait… that yarn came above there came into my life. Boyish? hmmm whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

About 7veravera

In love with: Jeeps, tweed, knitting and the color red. Currently convalessing from a serious traffic accident which left me with a paralysed right foot. (the DRIVING foot) Oiy. I have a live horse and a hand knitted dog. We live in the Surrey B.C. area. I'm renovating my house and find a new crisis to conquer every day. Currently the new front door I bought is too big for the stair case leading up to it. That's is ME to a T.
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